The Turtlez

The Turtlez

The Turtlez is a new Cardano NFT project with a focus on The Turtlez (tortoises, freshwater turtles and marine turtles). The project has been developed with the Asian Turtle Program (ATP) of Indo Myanmar Conservation (IMC), a UK-registered charity focusing on wildlife conservation activities in Southeast Asia. While we have a wide range of conservation activities, turtles are a priority species for many of them.

Real-life turtle species

The Turtlez will bring together artwork from a well-known wildlife artist to introduce a range of turtle species from the real world, with some interesting facts on each. Rarity will be based on IUCN Red List status, used to categorise how threatened species are in the wild. Of course, we will include some mythical animals in this collection, however, mythical turtles aren’t necessarily the rarest to collect.

10,000 Tokens

When you purchase one of the 10,000 TheTurtlez NFT tokens which will be made, a species will be chosen at random and adorned with random special items to give a unique token.

75% of Profits Go to Conservation!

Best of all, after well-deserved fees for the artist, 75% of proceeds from the sale of The Turtlez will go to conservation, while 25% will go back into the development of The Turtlez and the development of other creative fundraising initiatives to further support conservation. We look forward to bring more exciting sneak-peeks at the projects as we move forward over the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can see more of their conservation activities at: or

Turtlez Coin

The Turtlez are still under development but to whet your appetite, you can now get our new TurtlezCoins, a special coin which is awarded for donating 1 ADA through our Support page. Please note that 3 ADA will need to be sent to cover wrapping costs; you will receive some of the ADA back with your Turtlez Coin token.

There are 1,000,001 coins available, giving 1,000,001 ways to support conservation. TurtlezCoins have been specially designed by a friend of The Turtlez, Brown, who is the developer of the Adalotls NFT project. Check out Brown’s website and Discord page